A large and growing body of responsible published research is one of the things that distinguishes our fiber posts from the others.
We present here below several clinical studies on RTD fiber posts, as well as clinical “How-To” articles and case studies that have been submitted by RTD product users.
Today, hundreds of in-vitro studies and review articles including RTD solutions are available in the worldwide literature.
Clinical studies
Randomized clinical trial comparing the effects of post placement on failure rate of postendodontic restorations: Preliminary results of a mean period of 32 months
In Vitro Studies
Rotational fatigue resistance of seven post types
In Vitro Studies
Fracture strength of endodontically treated teeth with flared root canals and restored with different post systems
In Vitro Studies
Resistance to fracture and structural characteristics of different fiber reinforced post systems
Clinical studies
Long-term retrospective study of the clinical performance of fiber posts
Clinical studies
Post placement and residual coronal structure affect root-treated premolars' survival
Clinical articles
The efficient post
In Vitro Studies
Effect of dowel length on the retention of two different prefabricated posts
In Vitro Studies
Fracture resistance and failure patterns of endodontically treated mandibular molars restored using resin composite with or without translucent glass fiber posts
Clinical articles
Translucent quartz-fiber post luted in vivo with self-curing composite cement: case report and microscopic examination at a two-year clinical follow-up
Clinical studies
Randomized clinical comparison of endodontically treated teeth with fiber posts
Clinical studies
Clinical evaluation of the use of fiber posts and direct resin restorations for endodontically treated teeth